La Poste

La Poste is a public limited company, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the State, organized into 4 branches: Services-Mail-Parcels, GeoPost, General Public and Digital, La Banque Postale.

Steering committee

  • Businesses
  • Large groups
  • Depollution,
  • Mobility,
  • Data analysis,
  • Knowledge improvement

La Poste is a public limited company, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the State. Le Groupe La Poste is organized into four branches: Services-Mail-Parcels, GeoPost, Consumer and Digital, La Banque Postale which, together with its subsidiary CNP Assurances, is a European leader in bancassurance and green finance.

La Poste delivers 17,9 billion items a year worldwide (letters, printed advertising material and parcels), 6 days a week. Attached to its territorial presence, the Group has 17 contact points (post offices, municipal postal agencies, retail post offices) and 000 access points to a postal service (Pickup, squares pros, lockers or drive parcels) .
In 2021, Le Groupe La Poste achieved a turnover of 34,6 billion euros, of which 41% internationally, and employs nearly 245000 people, in 48 countries on 4 continents, including 190 in France.
With its strategic plan "La Poste 2030, committed to you", the public company has set itself the ambition of becoming the first European platform for links and exchanges, human and digital, green and citizen, at the service of its customers in their projects and society as a whole in its transformations.

La Poste has long been committed to a social and environmental responsibility approach. It has been carbon neutral since 2012 via a climate policy based on measurement, the implementation of action to reduce its emissions and the compensation of its residual emissions. By 2025, it intends to supply the 22 French cities using 100% low-carbon modes of transport and low emissions of atmospheric pollutants.
In 2021, La Poste became the first public company to adopt the quality of Company with Mission. As such, La Poste places its societal commitments at the heart of its business model and its strategic plan.
Responsible and committed to serving all stakeholders (citizens, companies, associations, local authorities, etc.), La Poste aims to produce a positive impact for society as a whole through 4 commitments now included in the statutes of the 'business :

  • Contribute to the development and cohesion of territories
  • Promoting social inclusion
  • Promoting ethical, inclusive and frugal digital
  •  Work to accelerate the ecological transition for all