SGS is the world leader in inspection, control, analysis and certification.


  • Businesses
  • Large groups
  • Air quality measurements,
  • Data analysis,
  • Planning

SGS is the world leader in inspection, control, analysis and certification. Recognized as the benchmark for quality and integrity, SGS employs 97 people and operates a network of more than 000 offices and laboratories around the world. In France, SGS now has 2 people working in more than 600 offices and control centers, and 2 laboratories. Our services are available throughout supply chains and concern many sectors such as agricultural and agri-food products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, consumer goods, transport, energy, chemicals, environment, industrial services... 

The EHS (Environment Health and Safety) division of SGS has been analyzing air quality in its laboratories for more than 20 years (ambient air, indoor air, exposure of personnel to chemical risks, asbestos) under accreditation COFRAC n°1-6446 (LAB REF 27 sampling and LAB REF 27, LAB REF 30, LAB REF 22, LAB GTA 96 analysis).

In parallel, SGS has developed sensors for measuring indoor air quality (Airsense: T, CO2, HR, PM2,5, VOC, light, noise) and exterior (Smartsense: temperature, humidity, pressure, PM10, MP2,5, MP1, I have not2, SO2, CO2,CO,O3, H2S, NO, H2, VOC…). Our devices can be enhanced with new sensors. For example, we are currently working on a combination of capture system and PCR analysis to detect SARS-COV2 as bioaerosols.