Specialized in sound analysis, Wavely develops acoustic sensors for smart cities and industry.


  • Businesses
  • Start-up - SME
  • Knowledge improvement

Wavely is a company specializing in sound analysis and the development of intelligent acoustic sensors and software solutions for monitoring noise pollution in cities, but also for predictive maintenance using acoustics in industry.

Spin-off of the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies of CNRS, accompanied by Euratechnologies in Lille, the company raised €600 in 000 (Finovam/FIRA/Bpifrance).

Company created by Nicolas Côté, doctor in acoustics, specialist in sound signal processing; Alexis Vlandas, doctor in physics, researcher at the CNRS; Marion Aubert, HEC / Sciences Po, Wavely's expertise is based on the ability to combine complex digital audio signal processing and machine learning technologies. The company is working on 3 main use cases:

  • monitoring of noise pollution in the smart city or on construction sites,
  • detection of gas leaks (ongoing partnership with SIM Engineering On behalf of TOTAL),
  • identification of industrial equipment malfunctions for predictive maintenance.

Its ambition is to develop the use of acoustics as a tool to search for data with high added value, whether in the smart city where the analysis of the sound environment is a very rich source of information on what happens in the city, or even in industry for predictive maintenance.