
Everywhere, at the office, at home, MySpotiHome simplifies the life of real estate players and the occupants of these places.


  • Businesses
  • Start-up - SME
  • Data analysis

If you have had experience living in a condominium building or in a residence with common areas to manage, you have certainly seen that often:

  • communication lacks fluidity with the building manager,
  • we are not informed in good time of the events of our residence,
  • we lack visibility on the progress of work or the resolution of incidents,
  • life would be more pleasant between neighbors with a little more conviviality…

These are the observations that led us to look for a digital solution to finally change the way we approach problems and projects in the places where we live.

This approach led to the creation of an innovative service that we wanted to be simple, efficient and user-friendly: MySpotiHome

It is a digital communication tool intended to simplify the daily life of real estate professionals and their clients. We provide them with innovative features through clear and intuitive interfaces to improve life in homes and offices. Our mobile app simplifies incident reporting in common areas and streamlines communication between all stakeholders; it promotes social ties and exchanges between people.

With MySpotiHome you can:

  • Create your private network and chat between neighbors with instant messaging (without knowing their mobile number or email
  • Declare an incident in less than 2 minutes to alert your building manager and your neighbors
  • Warn the whole building of an event with the digital poster

After launching our service in October 2017 with several pilot co-ownership trustees, we are seeking to expand our market and extend our offer to new segments including tertiary real estate, particularly for office buildings, and rentals. seasonal (camping, AirBnB, vacation homes, etc.).