
NomoSense is a NomoTech Group company operating in the Internet of Things (IoT-Internet of Things) market.


  • Businesses
  • Start-up - SME
  • Air quality measurements,
  • Mobility

Nomosense specializes in connected objects for buildings and communities, we are able to intervene at all levels of the project. We advise our customers in their project through feasibility studies in the field, then we install the sensors according to the results obtained during the studies. Then, we return this data in various forms (raw data, graphs, dashboard, alerts, etc.) using our web platform.

Thanks to this expertise, we have already deployed several innovative projects, whether on Smart Cities or Smart Buildings themes. For example, for the urban community of Paris-Saclay, we proposed sensors for counting (vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, etc.), flood/ice detection and air quality measurement. We have also set up an adapted LoRa infrastructure as well as a centralized data visualization solution, accessible through our platform. Another example, on behalf of the RATP, we operate a metering solution to improve safety underground. 

Our platform is a complete cloud solution with simple ergonomics to optimize the return of collected data. Each client can therefore access the projects and data that concerns them, can visualize their data dynamically through a personalized dashboard. He can export his data and manage his fleet of sensors remotely (context information, location, etc.) and also program alerts (mail, sms and WhatsApp) to react and make the best decisions quickly. Many other functionalities are available and can be integrated according to the project of each client since we are able to customize the visualization of the data.